Collection of frequency modulated sweeps for STRF estimation
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- STRF's (spectro-temporal receptive fields) are a commen way of describing auditory and visual neurons. This means that one gives certain stimuli, visual or auditory, and measures the response of the neuron, it's spike rate. Afterwards one can predict the response of the neuron to similar stimuli.
- The set of stimuli presented here consist of frequency modulated sweeps. As there is one main feature to divide the sweep class into two, the up and the downsweep, this characterisitc is used to investigate the context dependence. One could estimate an STRF from one up and one downsweep. This measurment is repeated in different contexts, i.e. if previously there had been played ten upsweeps, or ten downsweeps, or five up and five downsweeps.
- The impact on the scientific community is a potentially better description of the STRF. It has been shown that there are shortcomings in the STRF and it's estimates cannot account for arbitrary stimuli. Thus showing a better context dependence would lead to improvements of its reliability. In terms of DIRAC it would give a direct comparison if a stimuli is standard or deviant.
- A more detailed description can be downloaded as:
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