Stealing a Book & Aggressions

Stealing Something:

  • Pedestrain with book and thief walking towards each other. Thief steals book and escapes with it.
  • Thief comes from behind, steals a bag and escapes.
  • Pedestrain with book and thief walking towards each other. Thief tries to steal the bag, but is put to flight by the pedestrain.

ver A
ver B
ver C
Pair 1 Take01 Take02 Take03
Pair 2 Take04 Take05 Take06


  • Two guys hustle each other roaring and pass by.  
  • One of the guys pushes the other back roaring. The other one behaves defensively and passes by after the aggressor let him go.  
  • The aggressor suddenly hits the other one in the stomach, who breaks down and limps away.

ver A
ver B
ver C
Pair 1 Take07 Take08
Pair 2 Take10 Take11 Take12 Take13